Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Banners

These are some of the new banners.
Remember, these still might not be the permanent ones, I may get a brain wave and decide to change!
I'm sorry, I know they're not magnificent! I'm not a very good graphic designer!
Writers, don't worry if yours isn't here yet, it will be soon!

Some Changes

Hi everybody,
Just incase you're thinking that Stardoll All Over is looking kind of unusual, it's going to be undergoing some changes throughout the next few days.
Please excuse me if it's in a bit of a state and all over the place!
So to our writers... for the next few days, please don't use any banner until I give you a new one, thanks.
There will be a new banner and background and perhaps even a competition, so keep your eyes peeled!
Bye for now,